The United States Of American Capitol


The United States Of  American Capitol, it was built between 1855-1866, during the first half of the 19th century, the House was frequently in conflict including slavery. The North was dominated the House of Representatives, however the equal representation of states prevailed. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was statesman, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States, the first Secretary of State under George-Washington. He was a principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and Jefferson was who had proposal of democracy, republicanism, and individual rights, by motivating American settlers of the colony to break from the Kingdom of Great Britain and form a new nation. The United States House of Representatives & their lower house are the United States Congress, & the Senate are their upper house, so to say together they compose a national chamber of conference hall as legislature of the United States of America today who are involve in passaging federal laws & legislation. A system of government with several states form with their unity of independent, so why they are allways aimed through terrorism. Because they are running their local government with the internal affairs, who pass the bill of rights (the first ten amendments to the US Constitution, ratified in 1791, guaranteeing rights such as freedom of speech, association and religion), their highest position in office (the Senate) the people who then work directly with the president in office / for consideration / signature. The House also has exclusive powers for impeaches cases as federal officers, they will elect a president, if none the candidate receives no majority of votes in the 1-5 Electoral College cases themselves. The House was established as Washington, D.C. Congress in 1791 which held its first session in 1800 & was the 1- territory or formerly part of Maryland & Virginia is the Capital of the United States which is the bordering states with Maryland & Virginia in East Coast. It is characterized by imposing neo-classical monuments, buildings, landmarks, as a symbols of the house of government with 3 branches 1-Capitol, 2-White House & the 3-Supreme Court. The District of Columbia, Washington-D.C., is the capital city / the only federal district of the United-States. South border is the state of Virginia, & shares border with Maryland. The city was named after George Washington as their Founding-Father & it the most visited city in the USA, seeing over 20 million visitors by 2016 . It is also the seat of United States President, the city is an important world political capital with their international heritages. Their Constitution is the one who is responsible of signing the Residence Act with the statehood who will be in control by the House of Representatives.

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