Seattle-Tacoma International Airport,


Seattle-Washington West-Coast of USA fromally 1911, officially the State of Washington, is named as Olympia the capital of the USA, & Washington with the county seat their largest city is Thurston-County. In the pasific region of the Western United States America officially the State of Washington in the Pacific-Region of the Western United States, & bordered with the Canadian province of (British-Columbia) in north is George-Washington 1-first President of USA, who resigned, & voluntarily left the position. According to Oregon-Treaty in South of Seattle boundary (Border-Disagreement) between the Indigenous peoples of the Americas who were the original inhabitants of the Americas before the arrival of the European-Settlers in the 1500 Century, a hybrid system of 7-district members, the others elected offices are the City-Attorney & Municipal Court-Judges, as well as Employment-Offices, Social-Offices, Police-Authorieties, with diefferent chambers. All city offices are officially impartial & unincorporated territories, with fundamental rights apply as a matter of law. In late 1900 century has made territorial acquisitions without having citizenship & their administration without constitutional protections & are temporarily until Congress has taken other prevention. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled their own Constitution with necessary for law enforcement in "Continental-Territories" such as  Mainland-Europe. Congress decides whether a territory is incorporated (means formed into a legal corporation) integral parts of the USA, rather than possessions or not, (unincorporated). The U.S. Constitution applies to each incorporated territory ((including its local government & inhabitants who living there) as it applies to the local governments & residents of the State, which is named after the  George Washington by the British Empire in 1846. Population majority is Scandinavian, Asian American & African American. Seattle was developed into a Technology Center from the 1980 onwards with companies like Microsoft who established in the region, with their founder Bill Gates who was born in Seattle. Internet-Retailer Amazon was founded in Seattle in 1994, & major airline like the Alaska-Airlines is based in Sea-Tac, serving Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, a major gateway for trade into East-Asia. Seattle is the 4th-largest port in Northwest-America in terms of container-handling as of the year 2015.

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