BTC Cryptocurrency On the Runways


The Internet Start Ups & the Digital-Banking is the Era after Mr. Satoshi-Nakamoto who as a pseudonymous stayed behind their establish- ment. He who developed the Bitcoin as cryptocurrency & authored the Bitcoin as white-paper, so that he created the original references to their implementation. On 10/2020 the ECB nonetheless published a report on the proposed Digital-Euro & kickstart as the phase of experiments to consider the merits of minting, in order that only the central bankers should carry the responsibility for their Digital-Currency as legality for safety of payments systems. Based on this agreements, it will then decide whether to pursue or abandon the plans to issue a Digital-Euro toward 06/2021. Because of the increases by international competition, firstly as to secure the instrument for legalize operations it will be issued as a test phase before set as standard to governed by Central-Bankers by observation on the national payment as Digital-Payment. South America is one of few who already started by the Petro launched in 02/2018, is a cryptocurrency issued by the government of Venezuela, to be mandatory to pay with Petro for government document services & Airplane-Fuel & flying International-Flights. It have also have lots of  risk factors, like it does not exist a physical form like the paper money & is typically not issued by a central authority as the Electronic Cash. Lack of Central-Authority means Virtual-Currencies are not considered as legal transfer across governmental borders. When not issued by a governmental body, the transactions is illegal to spread across multiple sites, countries, or institutions or associated with distributing notes & coins. Therefore Tesla has reversed their course on May 12, 2021, saying they would no longer take Bitcoin due to concerns that "mining" the cryptocurrency was contributing to the consumption of fossil fuels and climate change.  The renewable-energy like Photovoltaic is Solar-Energy, Wind-Energy, Hydroelectric, Ocean-Energy, Geothermal-Energy, Biomass, Hydrogen. Unfortunately the Coal mining still a big Health-Hasard to it by reproducing poisonous dark clouds, but the rivalry as big as among the sectors.

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