Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia hosted by the Wikimedia-Foundation, is a American organization. In 2001, the personell behind the foundation for a money working projects namely Wiki-Processing to be a leading-encyclopedia was adopted by at least 2-two characters which attracted roughly 2-Billion Visitor & receive more than 17-Million assemblers per month by other user. But the Wikileak-Owner is Sunshine-Press created by Julian-Assange, and the Key person is him & Kristinn-Hrafnsson was also born 1962 in Iceland & the micro political Party Australia. The Senate seat of Australia in 2013-Election, was the national-vote which Wikileaks Party & national council consisted with Assange help & others like, Matt-Watt, Gail-Malone, Assange Biological-Father John-Shipton, Omar-Todd & Gerry-Georgatos who was also born in 1962. The Henry-Kissinger cables party for example and the republication of it in 2013 regarding the Henry-Kissinger speech at his cables from 1973-1976 which they might not like that everyone to know about is a so called Wikileaks-Job. It was the USA-Secretary of the State & NSA-Advisory in the 1960's & 1970's. The library of United-States Diplomacy has not been classified & released as USA -Government then & even now. It is a homeless and Jobless base that all these years have been survived through Crimes against humanity, why nobody should know it!. Although the National Archives keep Records of their Administration, he was at the time of his Administrative-Job did quote "why we do the illegal immediately & the the unconstitutional a little longer" verse that remained the public library knowledge ever since the 1970 do you understands his message?

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