Genetic Engineering, is fertility & change the DNA through Biology search.


Chronic diseases are also based on Genetic-Disposition the DNA. Change in the genetic information on a chromosome, triggered genetic-mutation. Genetic disposition is a genetic susceptibility. It is a description of the psychological factors of a hereditary condition that has an extraordinary disposition in an individual. Basically all beings use the same genetic code 43 = 64 it means that ability of the man to perform the sexual act of fertility & change the DNA that can be inherited by others & has the formation of proteins in the cells which can be more dangerous than nature. Genetically Modified Organism, like the most common being their organism has been modified so that it does not occur naturally through mating but recombination, the exact genetic code but varies through modified organism. Dogs have differed significantly from their wild ancestors for millennia. Breeding & cross breeding for hybrid animals can also lead to genes deformations or malfunction. Also genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of genes with help of biotechnology

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