Fracking-Technology & in Connection

Fracking is injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks with #boreholes, so as to force open existing split & extract #Oil / #Gas. They started "fracking" in the United-States" is a  hydraulic fracturing, a of drilling that has been used #Commercially for 65-Years. Today the combination of advanced horizontal-drilling is the cutting-edge #Technologies is U.S. oil & natural gas production methods. Fluid can become Airborne & is Dangerous to breathe. Hydro- carbons such as #Benzene & Toluene (a colorless liquid hydrocarbon present in coal tar and petroleum and used as a solvent and in organic synthesis). Also get into the atmosphere & can cause Leukemia & other types of Cancer as well as other health problems. Yes, fracking could contaminate Water. For instance they state that "Injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids directly into Groundwater Resources and contaminate health. Notes that disposing of fracking wastewater directly into the surface water could contaminate-drinking water. Similarity of earthquakes are basically occurring on tectonic-faults and are not directly related to volcanic activity. They are more than 70-earthquakes which occurred at one time beneath the Mount St. Helens over the past month & year not volcanic but also a Tectonics matter. The hydrogen-bombarding is the new #Car-Technology planned is colorless, odorless & tasteless Gas, which occurs in connection with #Oxygen as #Water & is particularly used for the #Synthesis of #Ammonia, gasoline, hydrochloric acid, etc., for welding (Parts, objects made of metal / plastic firmly join together with the application of Heat & Pressure, connect with one another). As heating Gas & Fuel-Cells (chemical element symbol H - Hydrogen-Bomb)

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