This Is Not Corona

Is the internal medicine in Germany since 1996 Causing damage to cells, muscles, scaffolding, & Cartilage. German Specialists call it #Gout is a inflammatory, scrapings arthritis-attacks. Can be also Catering Business. Cause damage to small veins as well as tissues. Biological matter. The made Me the #Guinea-Pigs of their #Constitution for #Health-Insurance payments laboratory Services. #Gout, Causes Joint-Disease by inflammation like swollen #Big-Toe since 1997 which start the attacks. It will built a deposit in the joints because of Purin & Uric-Acid what human Immune-System can not get rid of. The high doses of #Crystallized cause of the disorder in #Human-Arthritis & harm the metabolism. Blood transmission, or #Samplings via doctor's office, all could be a factor, like Medical-Devices in the Hospitals with #Online-Operational-Devices. Sex Questions? Remain a mystery!. Could it be a transmission Diseases Maybe?. But it is #Breaking-Human health for research use like #Biotechnology. The body get sick and sicker as result of it with time. #Cartilage has limited #Repair-Procedures. The Implants like #Robotics, Causing damages to cells, muscles, scaffolding, & Cartilage. The Hunters use the technique!. They told I should not eat any #Shellfish & Less #Red-Meat, & Less #Fatty-Acids foods. #Gout is a inflammatory #scrapings arthritis attacks. Can be also Caterings-Business!. Cellular scaffolding will be used to grow #Artificial-Cartilage. 1-This new problems restart 2003-2009, & until now a fraction of it feels like burning Stiches / Burning-Skin. 2- back wings left & right, same as the Chest-Part. 3- Legs, First seen 2009-2010 a damage of Small-Vain in both legs. Could be a Metallic-Contaminants of blood is the material called Chromium, maybe that the local specialist are lying and is secretive #Human-Organ-Dealers who work for #General-Practitioner. This metal is a fourth dimensions & has electron configuration. The violation is #Priodic-Table with the same elements of their #Electron configurations, such as #Copper, #Niobium, & the chemical element of #Atomic-Number 42-Silver is gray metal series, of alloy steels. Chromium was first discovered as {crystalline mineral crocoite} a rare, Orange-Agent consisting of {Lead-Chromium}.

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